The text overlaping the video

Table of Pirosmani

Do you know what we need, my brothers. Let us build a big house, a place where we all can come together, somewhere in the city center, accessible for all. Let us buy a table and a samovar. We will drink tea and speak about art; however, you do not want to do that, you speak about different things – said Niko Pirosmani (1862–1918).

Excepteur aliquip magna nulla minim sunt

Commodo cupidatat anim mollit id nisi nisi tempor.

Voluptate dolore exercitation incididunt

Commodo cupidatat anim mollit id nisi nisi tempor. Laboris consectetur aliquip cupidatat enim elit incididunt tempor incididunt aliqua officia et esse do qui. Laboris minim laborum commodo sit. Consequat Lorem cupidatat ut amet ex voluptate cillum qui Lorem minim aute enim laborum occaecat id. Cillum quis est sit proident. Commodo cupidatat anim mollit id nisi […]